
Culture and creative day Olbernhau – Lesná

This event will run until 17:00 and workshops for which the application is required in advance. You will be able to try to make candles, bind something or hook up, paint traditional angels or miners, and try an old rediscovered craft - fake. All this will be accompanied by Krušnohorská music....
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Project - Active experience of common events and traditions in the Ore Mountains

Active experience of common events and traditions in the Ore MountainsThe project is supported by the Cooperation Program Czech Republic - Saxony Free State 2014-2020 Lead partner:Horský klub Lesná v Krušných horách, z. s.Svahová 22, 431 21 Boleboř Project partner: Gemeindeverwaltung Kurort SeiffenAm Rathaus 4, 09548 Kurort Seiffen Project implementation time: 1. 10. 2016 – 30. 9. 2019 Total project costs are up to 1.496.136,57 €. The aim of the project is to make the destination of t...
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Great summer competition - Ore Mountains Destination Agency

Great summer photo competition   Great photographic competition with Destination Agency Krušné hory o.p.s.   The Ore Mountains Destination Agency announces the traditional summer competition for all enthusiastic photographers for both amateurs and professionals. You can send your pictures of the beauty of the Ore Mountains electronically to from 15th June 2017 to 31st August 2017. The winning photographs will be selected by an expert jury. A calendar will be created, fro...
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We are on Facebook now

If you have an account on Facebook, you can add our site: On this link...
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Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2017

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